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delicious pizza

Okay we need to be honest. It's so perfect to eat healthy, low calorie, low carb, low whatever food but we also need to have our cheat days. Days than we don't have to think about calories and stuff but still we would like to prepare our junk food by ourselves so it is both cheap and healthier. Here is the ultimate pizza recipe for you. It has a greek taste but you can have variations on your toppings!For starters.....


For the pizza base:

  • 250 gr all purpose flour

  • 1 packet of dry yeast

  • 200 ml lukewarm water

  • 1,5 tbs olive oil

  • salt

  • pepper

  • oregano


  • tomato

  • fresh pepper

  • kalamata olive oils

  • feta cheese

  • gouda cheese (grounded)

  • sliced turkey

  • onions sliced

  • tomato sauce

  • olive oil

  • oregano

  • thyme

  • basil

  • salt

  • pepper


For the dough: Add the ingredients in a bowl except for the water and mix well. Pour all the water and mix with a fork until the mixture is relatively uniform. Once the mixture has stabilized, sprinkle with flour and mix is nor sticky to your hands. Be careful not to put too much flour because it will tighten the dough. Cover it with a towel, place it in a relatively warm place and leave it for one hour to rest and inflate.

On surface sprinkled with oil knead the mixture until smooth. If it starts to stick it, pour a little flour. Shape a ball and then turn it into a regular pizza base with your fingers.

Toppings: Prepare the sauce combining the tomato sauce, olive oil. thyme, oregano and salt. Spread it to your base. Then just add all the other ingredients as you wish.

Bake your pizza at 200 degrees in a preheated oven. Enjoy your treat day!!!


Stockholm, Sweden

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