soy salmon saute with spinach (...ssss...)

1 salmon fillet
fresh spinach
1 onion
1 tomato
1 tbs soy sauce
grounded ginger
lemon juice
The night before marinate the salmon with the soy sauce and the ginger. Just put everything in a bowl and leave in the fridge. Heat a non-stick pan and place the salmon into it without using oil. Press down gently with a spatula and brown on both sides. It doesn't need more than 3 minutes for each side.
Put the salmon aside when done and in the same pan add the onion and the spinach. Add the lemon juice and some water and leave until they 've lost all the volume. Then add the tomato and the seasonings and keep stirring for a couple of minutes.
Serve along with the salmon, adding some fresh grounded pepper on top!