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zoodles with avocado sauce and mushrooms

Avocado is one of my favorite ingredients. I used to eat a lot of pasta in the past, but since I started avoiding carbs, they aren't included in my meals that much any more. So, one day I bumped into a recipe called zoodles. They actually are zucchinis with avocado sauce......surpriseee a mixture of my favorite flavors!!!

I ''stole'' the recipe for the zoodles from Mr. Manos Dimitroulis, a greek nutrinionist.

I made some variations on the ingredients and added mushrooms to turn it into a more complete meal.


  • 1/2 zucchini

  • 1/2 avocado

  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds

  • 50 ml plain yoghurt

  • almond milk

  • 1 tbs lemon juice

  • parsley

  • salt and pepper

  • 3 portobello mushrooms

  • 1/2 onion

  • rosemary

  • garlic powder

  • balsamic vinegar


Wash the zucchinis really good and cut them into long thin strips that look like noodles (zoodles). Spread them on an absorbent kitchen towel to drain well. In the mixer add the following : avocado, sunflower seeds, lemon, salt, yoghurt, milk, parsley and whisk until you get a creamy texture. Gently blend the zoodles with the sauce and leave aside. On a non-stick pan, cook the mushrooms and the onion after having cut them into thin slices. Add rosemary, pepper and garlic powder. When it's almost ready, add the balsamic vinegar. Check the salt and pepper, add some more if necessary and serve them with the zoodles.


Stockholm, Sweden

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